2022 International Conference on Vehicle Engineering and Intelligent Control Technology(VEICT 2022)
Keynote Speakers


A. Prof. Ata Jahangir Moshayedi, 

Jiangxi University of Science and Technology

Brief introduction: Dr Ata Jahangir Moshayedi, Associate professor at Jiangxi University of Science and Technology, China, PhD. In Electronic Science from Savitribai Phule Pune University, India. IEEE member, Instrument Society of India as a Life Member, Lifetime Member of Speed Society of India, member of the editorial team of various conference and journals like; International Journal of Robotics and Control, JSME, Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, International Journal of Physics and Robotics Applied Electronics, etc., 80 papers published in national journals and conferences, 3 books published, Owns 1 patent, 5 copyright. His research interest includes: Robotics and Automation/ Sensor modelling /Bio-inspired robot, Mobile Robot Olfaction/Plume Tracking, Embedded Systems / Machin vision-based Systems/Virtual reality, Machine vision/Artificial Intelligence .Dr Moshayedi, Presently working on his AGV (Automated Guided Vehicles) designed model and Food delivery service robot at Jiangxi University, China.  



Professor level senior engineer ZHAO H uaixin

Shaanxi Railway Group Co.

Zhao Huaixin, Professor level senior engineer in Shaanxi Railway Group Co., Ltd., PhD, 100 Excellent Engineers and Science Communication Specialist of  China Expressway Association,  Corresponding member of China Intelligent Transportation System, Information Communication and Navigation Standardization Technical Committee; Expert in the evaluation of information technology and scientific and technological projects of the Ministry of Transportation; Expert in bid invitation and evaluation of government procurement by the Ministry of Finance; Expert in the evaluation of scientific research projects and natural fund projects in five provinces such as Shaanxi and Guangdong; supervisor of professional degree doctoral master's degree in 4 colleges of Southeast University and Chang'an University; Senior member of China Expressway Association; Member of the Professional Committee for Intelligent Transportation and  transportation informatization of Shaanxi Expressway Association; Expert in comprehensive evaluation and bid assessment in Shaanxi Province, Bid assessment  Expert  in 3 provincial Departments of Transportation, Industry and Information Technology and Finance; Editors and reviewers of transportation projects in Asia-Pacific; Reviewers of five high-level journals such as Journal of Transportation Engineering and Journal of Jilin University; Editorial Board and Instructor of AEIC Academic Platform; Expert in the evaluation of China Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition; "Zai hang" expert, "Baidu Baijiahao" blogger.

He is skilled in the whole process of transportation information technology project construction and has rich experience in project management and scientific research. Five qualifications of Consulting Engineer,Bidding Engineer, First-class Constructor Engineer,Expressway Supervision Engineer and Quality Inspection Engineer. Presided over or participated in the construction of 10+ projects, organized or participated in the preparation of 20+ development plans of provincial departments, presided over or participated in the research and preparation of 30+ scientific research topics and technical standards, preliminarily reviewed and handled the preliminary procedures of 50+ transportation informatization projects, and participated in the review of 100+ tollway transportation informatization projects, Participated in the bid evaluation and subject evaluation of 200+ informatization projects. Published 20+ high-level papers, presided over or participated in the preparation of 2 National Standards and 5 Transportation Trade Standards,10+ Provincial and Departmental Dtandards and Specifications, 10+ provincial and municipal Subject Plans, 2 invention patents, and  8 provincial or ministerial  awards.

Speech Title: Research and application of service capacity evaluation method of expressway service area


Vice President Wang Qiang

School of Automobile and Traffic Engineering, Heilongjiang Institute of Technology

He serves as doctor of engineering, post-doctor, associate professor, vice president, professional leader, school teaching master, academic backbone, person in charge of innovative team, Harbin young innovative talent, visiting scholar to University of Greenwich, visiting scholar to Tsinghua University, Senior member of China Society of mechanical engineering, member of China Society of Automotive Engineering. He has presided over more than 30 scientific research projects, published more than 90 academic papers and 2 academic monograph, and won 2 third prizes of Heilongjiang Provincial Science and Technology Progress, 2 first prize and 2 second prizes of Heilongjiang Provincial University Science and Technology Progress, and 31national patents.


Professor Qiang Zhang

Shandong University of Science and Technology